Kingston Philharmonia
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  Next Concert Saturday 22nd March 2025 7.30 pm  
Concert Poster — click to view full size

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Intermezzo from Vanessa
Richard Strauss
Four Last Songs
Symphony no 7
Conductor: Lewis Gaston
Leader: Julia Wilson
Soprano: Callie Gaston
St Andrew's Church, Surbiton
Maple Road
Surbiton  KT6 4AB
Saturday 22nd March 2025 7.30 pm
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  Poster Gallery  

Welcome to our poster gallery

Rolling poster show from past concerts. Hover to pause, click to view full-screen.

Enjoy our recent video, if you play an instrument it will make you rush to join us or to be in the audience for our next concert. If you are interested in joining us please see the join us page for current vacancies and how to apply.

Kingston Philharmonia was founded in 1974 by Walter Wurzburger, a composer, player, conductor and teacher in Kingston. He conducted us for 18 years

From 1998, for the next 15 years, we were conducted by Levon Parikian, who consolidated the standard and reputation of the Orchestra.

In 2018 we were fortunate in securing the services of Lewis Gaston as our conductor and Musical Director. We are an established part of the musical landscape in Kingston-on-Thames, giving three concerts a year, normally in St Andrew's Church, Surbiton.

When we have vacancies, we are delighted to welcome new members. We occasionally have vacancies for wind and brass, for which there is an informal audition. Please see the join us page for more details on current vacancies and how to apply.


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