Kingston Philharmonia
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Archived Items

We are compiling an archive of past notices, links, downloads and other items of interest to members. Currently, only links & downloads, and past rehearsal schedules, are shown. For current items, you should go to the members' page.

Archived Links and Downloads    show

This is a list of links and downloads from the members page. They include links to performances of interest, downloads of bowed parts, and other items.
Note that all links and downloads are subject to UK copyright law, and as such are for "private and research study purposes" only.

Archived Embedded items    show

This is a list of embedded items from the website.

Past rehearsal schedules    show

Past rehearsal schedules are shown here (from Autumn 2014 onwards). Maybe not a tremendous amount of use, but since the information is on the database ...

Principal bassoonist required

We are looking for a regular principal bassoon from January 2018 — Grade 8 plus, orchestral experience, and informal audition (3 to 4 rehearsals). To apply, follow the contact link and sent us brief details of your playing experience.

You can find more on our rehearsal venue, times and schedule on the players page.

In the absence of any hard information about our next concert, we are pleased to bring you these images from a Zoom concert we held in late November.

As part of this concert, Beth Perry has composed and recorded a wonderfully haunting cello piece, The Path You can hear it by following the link

Lewis Gaston, our Musical Director, is conducting perfomances of La Bohème in various locales in the south-east, including Epsom on September 12th
For more details, and to book, go to amickproductions
La Boheme